Selling FAQs
How can I become a Super Kids consignor?
It's super easy. All you have to do is register, gather & prep your items and drop them off to us during designated time. No more garage sales or meeting up with people on BST groups. It is like having your own store without the hassle! See how to register on our Register page.
How do I price my stuff?
This is a very common question and a hard one to answer! First, ask yourself what amount YOU would pay for the item. Price it no more than what you would be willing to pay. While there are no hard-and-fast rules to pricing your items and it can be somewhat tricky, check out these guidelines we typically recommend.
Also see the end of the Consignor Guidelines PDF found at the top of the What and How to Tag page.
Where can I buy Cardstock?
You can buy cardstock at office supply, craft stores, print shops or at Super Friends Days. You can buy it at Michael’s and JoAnn’s in packages of 50 sheets for about $4. So if you use a 40% coupon, it would reduce your price to about $2.50. You can also buy cardstock at Super Friends Days for 15 sheets/$1 for white or color (check for specific Super Friends dates for the sale you are participating in). Leamy Printing in downtown Troutdale sells packages of 200 sheets for about $10, if you want to go in with a friend. Tags print 10 to a page. Please buy white or light colored cardstock (no red or super dark).
Where can I get FREE or Cheap Hangers?
You can sometimes get free hangers from Carter’s Outlet, Osh Kosh Outlet and Old Navy, Fred Meyer, Kohls, Wal-Mart and PetSmart (yes, PetSmart) have also been known to give some away if you talk to the right person. Just don’t wait until the last minute, or you will have competition from other procrastinators. When you ask stores for hangers, don't say "I need them for SuperKids"...instead say "I need them for a fundraiser!" If you need to buy them, Dollar Store, Goodwill, Wal-Mart and Bi-Mart seem to have the cheapest prices. Susan usually has a supply to share at Super Friends Days that (read more about Super Friends Days on the What and How to Tag page). At the end of the sale when you pick up your unsold items, you will be able to get hangers to replenish your supply. The Honor System is in place to take about as many as you brought.
Where can I get a Tagging Gun?
You can buy a tagging gun from Susan at one of the Super Friends Days or a personal meetup. Read more about Super Friends Days on the What and How to Tag page. Or just text Susan at 503-866-1875. They are $12 and they come with 1,000 barbs. Or you can call Karin at 503-669-0261 if you are in the Troutdale area or email her at (with “tagging gun” in the subject) to buy a gun anytime for $12 (she does not have hangers). We can also sell you just barbs (1,000 for $3). Or you can buy them from for $8 (including shipping), but they take about 2 weeks to arrive from China. Office Depot, Staples, etc. sell them for about $50, so don’t even waste your time going there!
Do I have to stay at the sale to sell my items?
Consignors do not have to stay at the sale. Just prepare your items, drop them off during the designated time/date, and go! You do not have to stick around and "man" a table. We do the work for you!
However, if you decide to volunteer you will earn even more money from your sales. Read more about volunteering on the Volnteer Team page.
Is there a limit to the number of items I can consign?
There are limits for infant clothing, maternity clothing and for overall clothing, as well as books. There is no limit for the TOTAL amount of items you can sell. Please see the What and How to Tag page for limits.
What about my items that do not sell?
As a consignor, you have the option to donate your unsold items or to pick them up after the sale on Monday night. We donate to multiple charities that help many local organizations and charities. If you know of a charity in need, let us know. See the Drop-Off and Pick-Up page for more details.
When will I receive my check?
Checks are written within 3 days of the sale and then sent via online banking service. So it will take up to two weeks to receive it in the mail.
What is the cost to consign?
When you register, there is a $15 registration fee that is paid during the registration process. This fee helps to offset some (but not all) of the costs to run the sale, including the software used, venue cost & advertising for the sale. If this presents a hardship, contact Susan and your fee can be taken out of your earnings instead.